PASCH Alumni Meeting

Registration Form

Sat 7th December 2019, 10am-3pm
QCCC Tamborine
North Tamborine, Queensland

Personal Information

Emergency Contact Information

Dietary Requirements

Consent to use of photographs and video images

I hereby consent to the use of photographs and video images in which I may be clearly recognizable for purposes of reporting on the PASCH Alumni Meeting without restriction in terms of time, location or content, in all current and/or future media, and in particular in the form of publicly accessible internet content, including social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and through reproduction.

* required
When you send us the information contained in the contact form by clicking on the button below, you declare your consent for us to use your personal data for purposes of answering your enquiry and/or contacting you. You can revoke your consent by sending an e-mail message to If you revoke your consent, your data will be erased immediately. Otherwise, your data will be erased after we have processed your enquiry or if the purpose of storing it no longer exists.

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