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Language Assistants

A great opportunity for future teachers!

Each year, Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) offers scholarships for language assistant positions in Germany. The scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1000 as well as insurance, and the possibility to receive a one-off travel grant (subject to funding approval by the Foreign Office).

The program starts with an introductory seminar between August and October and finishes on 31 May of the following year.

Language assistants are to help an Englisch teacher at a German secondary school to improve their students’ overall language ability with a focus on conversation and pronunciation. In addition to that the assistant will be given the chance to increase students’ knowledge on Australian life, culture, literature and current issues.

Applicants should have proof of good German skills and be able to write an application letter in German. It is preferred that applicants are working towards becoming teachers themselves.

Applications should be lodged by 15 April 2024.

Please see for further information.: 


Jelena Herster                                   Anne Carman
Bildungskooperation Deutsch             Bildungskooperation Deutsch
Goethe-Institut Australien                   Goethe-Institut Australien
Tel +61 3 9864 8924                           Tel +61 3 9864 8919
jelena.herster@goethe.de             anne.carman@goethe.de
