For Seekers Of Meaning
Travel Sketches from Sri Lanka

Seaker ©   Seaker
Reinhard Kleist’s strokes carry authority. His art lies in omitting; often also in expanding, curving, wearing away, keeping it rough. He shows temples, shrines, a bar or bakery, street scenes, bicycles, a naked light bulb illuminating a Buddha. Is this Sri Lanka, 2017?

Extracts from "Reiseskizzen aus Sri Lanka":

  • Sri-Lanka-Kandy470 © Reinhard Kleist

  • Sri Lanka: Kandy © Reinhard Kleist

    Sri Lanka: Kandy

  • Sri Lanka: Colombo © Reinhard Kleist

    Sri Lanka: Colombo

  • Sri Lanka: Colombo © Reinhard Kleist

    Sri Lanka: Colombo

  • Sri Lanka: Kandy © Reinhard Kleist

    Sri Lanka: Kandy

  • Sri Lanka: Kandy © Reinhard Kleist

    Sri Lanka: Kandy

About the artist Reinhard Kleist:

His most successful works include ‘Cash – I See a Darkness’, ‘The Boxer’ and ‘An Olympic Dream’. He has won the Max & Moritz Prize for the best German-language comic book artist and the German Children’s Literature Award for non-fiction.

Travelpedia: Sri Lanka

  • Sri Lanka Colombo © Reinhard Kleist (Detail)

    In 1516, the capital, Colombo, was occupied by the Dutch. In 1518, Portugal also wanted the island as a colony; between 1796 and 1948, it was under British occupation.

  • Sri Lanka Colombo_1 © Reinhard Kleist (Detail)

    A tsunami in 2004 killed 45,000 people. Sonali Deranyiagala’s memoir essay about the catastrophe “Wave”, which became a bestseller in the USA in 2013, is recommended.

  • Sri Lanka Kandy © Reinhard Kleist (Detail)

    Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam: ‘Sri Lanka’ (population: 20 million) means ‘venerable island’. It lies 200 kilometres off the southern tip of India. Between 1983 and 2009, a civil war raged between the Sinhalese and the Tamils, the island’s largest ethnic minority.

Stefan Mesch about Travel Sketches from Sri Lanka

Kleist’s 14 (often double-page) Sri Lanka drawings come particularly close to the aesthetic of several Kleist comic books: pronounced shadows, male bodies and faces, twilight. A good introduction!"


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