Grünes Diplom

© Goethe-Institut

The “Grünes Diplom” is the standard basic qualification for teachers of German as a Foreign language at Goethe-Instituts worldwide. On completion of this programme you are eligible to teach “German as a foreign language” from the level A1 to B1. The programme is made up of four phases:

Phase 1: A practicum with seminars, classroom observation and microteaching
Phase 2: A consolidation on the basis of the programme Deutsch Lehren Lernen
Phase 3: A cultural seminar (for non-native speakers)
Phase 4: Specific contents for the Goethe-Institut (Prüferzertifikat, Module „Digitale Medien im DaF-Unterricht“).

During the programme the trainee teachers have to conduct two evaluated demonstration lessons of 90 minutes each.

The duration of the training depends upon the individual pre-qualification.


  • Bachelor’s degree (in any field)
  • German Language Proficiency B2(+) level

If you are interested in becoming a German teacher, drop an email with your CV, motivational letter and your certificates to: Tim Fauth, Head of Language Department,

Why teach German? Find out why our teachers love to teach German.