Creative FLIP

Creative Flip

The cultural and creative sectors play a key role and significantly contribute to the economy and society. However, there are still structural problems which are holding these sectors back from achieving their full growth potential. The Creative FLIP project – co-funded by the European Union – is aiming to resolve this situation. Its main objective is to establish constructive and sustainable framework conditions in the fields of Finance, Learning, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for the cultural and creative sectors in Europe.
Over the course of a pilot phase from February 2019 to July 2021 the project partners developed various research and pilot measures to improve the use of the finance and patent system and to ensure greater integration of the cultural and creative sectors into the European competence and qualifications framework (ESCO). The project also seeks to strengthen the relationship between players of the sector and those of formal/informal education through Peer2Peer exchanges and innovative Learning Labs.

All publications of Creative FLIP can be viewed and downloaded here.

Video Final Conference Creative FLIP

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A second project phase started in the second half of 2021, building further on the achievements of the pilot project. In the ensuing 28 months Creative FLIP is organising expert Focus Groups, international conferences and strives to build online tools for sector representatives in search of financing sources and better IP protection of their work. The successfully piloted Peer2Peer concept will be relaunched as TWIN Hubs Program, inviting Creative Hubs to knowledge exchange and capacity building. Creative FLIP also encourages the development and integration of creative skills in all forms of formal and informal education. Over the course of a full school year, creative professionals, hubs and other organisations of the sector are collaborating and co-creating with schools and students across Europe.
The Creative FLIP project is being coordinated by the Goethe-Institut Brussels as the lead partner and implemented together with the European Creative Hubs Network (ECHN), IDEA Consult, 3s Unternehmensberatung and Intellectual Property Institute Luxembourg (IPIL).

Other Activities

Creatives Unite: Creatives Unite: Following a virtual meeting of EU Ministers of Culture held on 8 April 2020 regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, proposed the launch of a platform for the CCS to share information and good practices among themselves. This is how Creatives Unite was born. Creative FLIP project team is in charge of operating the platform since its launch on 5 May 2020. Creatives Unite showcases initiatives, events and other activities from the sector, directing to the relevant websites.

With the sector's re-opening, cultural and creative professionals stay true to their name. The sector is versatile, creative and able to adjust to the "new normal". Creatives Unite stays a relevant source of information and will continue providing a useful platform for the sector.

Creatives Unite

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© Creative FLIP

One year of Creatives Unite - Statement by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

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