Talk ohne Grenzen

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‘Talk ohne Grenzen’ (Talk without borders) is a new project by the PASCH initiative in the south-western Europe Goethe region, promoting communication skills among school pupils who are learning German and the ability to express themselves articulately. Seven school pupils will discuss issues relevant to the daily lives of young people via a talk show format. In addition to linguistic and communication skills, they will also practise media, social and collaborative skills. The main aims are to overcome inhibitions about speaking and to promote a stimulating discussion format for the exchange of views in German.

Content and goals

The project was launched in the 2022-2023 school year. It is aimed at PASCH schools in the seven countries of the South-West Europe region (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta) and takes place as a competition every two years, alternating with the regional PASCH Theatre Festival. 

Interested schools created a talk show on a topic of their choice and submitted it as a video to their local Goethe-Institut in January 2023. As part of the national selection process, a jury in each of the seven participating countries selected the best talk show. The seven winning schools (one school per country) met in Hamburg from 25 to 30 April 2023 for an international youth exchange, where the students presented their talk shows and developed new talk shows in mixed country groups.         
Podcast project

In the Talk without Borders podcast project, pupils from France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Malta and Luxembourg staged talk shows. They talk about topics that concern them, such as veganism, TikTok or the choice of subjects in secondary school. You can listen to the podcasts produced by the students themselves on the global PASCH website.



Gerhard Salbeck
Tel.: +32 2 5858520
