Filmscreening and Q&A
Film: ‘As I Want' - Samaher Alqadi

‘As I Want' - Samaher Alqadi
‘As I Want' - Samaher Alqadi


In the framework of the Opening Halaqat Festival, we invite you together with Cinemamed to a film panorama of three documentaries from the arab world. The screenings will be followed by Q&As with two directors. 

AS I WANT (EG/DE/NO/FR/PS, 2021, 88')
Cairo, January 25, 2013. An explosion of sexual assaults takes place in Tahrir Square on the second anniversary of the revolution. In response, a massive outpouring of enraged women fill the streets. Director Samaher Alqadi picks up her camera as a form of protection and begins documenting the growing women's rebellion, not knowing where the story will lead her. 

Samaher Alqadi is an emerging voice in Arabic documentary filmmaking. She studied at the High Cinema Institute, and at the Academy of Art and Technology of Cinema, both in Cairo. Her work focuses on women and dissident artists in the Middle East. Before 'As I Want', she has directed three films, between Palestine, Egypt and France: 'Mohammed Bakri' (2008), 'Gamalat' (2009) and 'Raj3een' (2012). 

The European project Halaqat is implemented by the Goethe-Institut in collaboration with Bozar - Centre for Fine Arts Brussels. Halaqat is co-funded by the European Commission (under the designation: EU-LAS CULTURE), the Goethe-Institut and Bozar.



Rue Ravensteinstraat 23
1000 Brussels

Language: Film in Arabic, subtitles FR
Price: 6,00€
Part of series Halaqat Showcase