Film screening - Q&A
‘Return to the Land of Wonders’ - Maysoon Pachachi

‘Return to the Land of Wonders' - Maysoon Pachachi
‘Return to the Land of Wonders' - Maysoon Pachachi

Halaqat Film Days - Past and Present of Arab Societies through Women’s Lenses


This autumn, Halaqat Film Days celebrates the old and the new generation of Arab women directors and actresses. Visitors will discover recent films and productions from the past thanks to a programme that creates a dialogue between the works and the different generations of women directors. 

‘Return to the Land of Wonders’ - Maysoon Pachachi (2003/2004):
In February 2004, Maysoon Pachachi went home to Baghdad for the first time in 35 years. Filming continuously for 5 weeks, she talked to all sorts of people about aspirations and fears for the future, difficulties of the present and burdens of the past. At the centre of the film is also the director’s 80-year-old father, who is returning to head the committee responsible for drafting Iraq's temporary constitution and Bill of Rights. The film moves continually between these two spheres: the formal political process and daily life ‘out on the street’.

Maysoon Pachachi is a London-based filmmaker of Iraqi origin. As a director, she works independently through her production company, Oxymoron Films, and makes documentaries and feature films in, and about, Middle East. In 2022, she released Our River… Our Sky, which is her first fiction feature film.

The screening will be followed by a conversation with director Maysoon Pachachi.

The European project Halaqat is implemented by the Goethe-Institut in collaboration with Bozar - Centre for Fine Arts Brussels. Halaqat is co-funded by the European Commission (under the designation: EU-LAS CULTURE), the Goethe-Institut and Bozar.



Rue Ravensteinstraat 23
1000 Brussels

Language: Original version: Arabic, E,glish; subtitles: English / Q&A: EN
Price: 8,00 - 6,00€
Part of series Halaqat Focus - 18-23.11.2022