Networking Event in Berlin Europe before the European elections

Europäisches Haus Berlin © Bernhard Ludewig

Tue, 19.03.2024

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Europäisches Haus


Europe's identity is multifaceted and characterized by different cultures, diversity and variety. There are many aspects that unite people in Europe, but there are also differences and challenges that can lead to tensions. Despite the differences, there is (still) a greater desire for cooperation and a strong Europe based on the fundamental values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. One challenge is to find a balance between national identities and European integration in order to make the European Parliament elections to be a democratic celebration of Europeans. How can the EU manage these and other challenges against the setting of the current intra-European and global crises surrounding it? What role do education policy programs play shortly before the European Parliament elections? How can they strengthen and promote European values?
Katharina Braig, Head of Division for European Parliament Affairs, Federal Foreign Office, and Manica Hauptman, Head of Political at the Representation of the European Commission in Germany, and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas, Professor of political science and election researcher at the Free University of Berlin, will discuss this with you. . The complete program for the evening can be found here: Afterwards, we cordially invite you to make new connections and celebrate old ones over small culinary delights and drinks. We look forward to seeing you there! 
Application The networking evening is taking place as part of the 30th anniversary of Europanetzwerk Deutsch. On behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut has been promoting the German language as a working and procedural language in the European institutions with the Europanetzwerk Deutsch program since 1994 and is committed to an active European network. Further information is available at:
