LGBTQI & Language

© Simeon Vasilev

Partnerevent with GLAS Foundation

The GLAS Foundation and the Goethe-Institute Bulgaria invite you to an online-discussion on LGBTQI and Language.

To translate into Bulgarian is very often to “build a bridge and not to have coast on the other side”, says the translator Iglika Vassileva.

Let's talk about the language in today's world. The Bulgarian language.  How ready, flexible, accepting is it to host and celebrate diversity we live in and we welcome more and more. Is our language enough to be ourselves in it - the way we are? Is our language here to impress all this tiny nuances and differences we all have?

The Goethe-Institute signed a charter for diversity in Germany in 2010.
The GLAS Foundation works daily against discrimination and disadvantage of the LGBTQI Community. Nonetheless, in Bulgaria 53% respondents of a recent study answer to always avoid holding same-sex partners’ hands in public for fear of being assaulted, threatened or harassed.

Let's discuss with open minds and hearts.

Stefka Tsaneva from Goethe-Institute and Simeon Vasilev from GLAS Foundation will start the discussion as key note speakers.

All interested people are invited to join the online event, share their experiences and learn from each other.

The zoom meeting will be live on Facebook:


About Glas Foundation
GLAS Foundation, founded in 2014, strives to bring equality and acceptance to the LGBTQI community in Bulgaria through campaigns and projects which promote understanding. GLAS Foundation is among the organisers of Sofia Pride – the largest human rights event in Bulgaria, and maintains the only LGBTQI community center in the country, Rainbow Hub.

The participants
Moderator Sevda Semer
Vladimir Poleganov, author, translator and screenwriter
Petar Denchev, theater director and writer
Stanimir Panayotov, philosopher and translator
Jana Moneva, psychologist



Language: Bulgarian