Residency VILA SUL
Frequently Asked Questions
Vila Sul is a residency programme, whose selection process takes place through a nomination system. The target audiences are internationally known and established artists and academics in their fields of action, who deal with themes in the context of the “South”. Nominations are made by Vila Sul alumni and international experts from Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Each year, a jury of international experts decides on the selection of participants. The jury comprises a representative of the Goethe-Institut, a representative of a partner institution, and three external members. A local representative of the Brazilian cultural scene is always invited to join the jury.
The residency facilities are unfortunately not suitable for artists, who would like to bring their family with them for the whole residency period. However, partners and/or children are welcome to attend for visit periods of up to two weeks. We will be happy to help finding accommodation in the surrounding area for traveling family members (for example, via AirBNB).
We offer artists, for a small fee, the opportunity to use an apartment in the Vila Sul residence for a period of one to three weeks between the official residency slots. This is not associated with any other service of the residence, such as receiving a scholarship or local support.
If you are interested, please contact
If you are interested, please contact
Residency Vila Sul
Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia
Vila Sul Praktikum
Unterstützen Sie uns im Goethe-Institut Salvador-Bahia im Rahmen eines Praktikums und erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Konzeption und Umsetzung deutsch-brasilianischer kultureller Kooperationen.
Weitere Informationen zum Praktikum in Salvador
Weitere Informationen zum Praktikum in Salvador