Queer as German Folk | Itinerant Conference Queer Commons - queer conflits
Complementary to the exhibition Queer as German Folk, panel discussions were held in Toronto, New York, Mexico City, and Berlin. Under the banner Queer Commons – Queer Conflicts, they highlighted diverse aspects of contemporary queer discourse: queer resistance, queer culture, queer diversity and queer establishment. The discussions – held in English with panelists from the US, Canada, Mexico and Germany – were recorded and are available on this website.
New York City Queer Resistance
Queer lifestyles have supposedly become mainstream. However, the rise of neo-conservative forces across the globe increasingly question the legitimacy of anti-discrimination legislation. What can we learn from the global experience of gender-generated resistance?
Which forms of queer culture are there today? How does queer opposition manifest itself in the cultural sector? Is there such a thing as queer culture at all?
Is there room for otherness within the ruling class? Can queer politicians be expected to pursue different policies or queer leaders to lead in a distinctive way?