Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus in 1919 – and in doing so revolutionised architecture, design and the way we think about art. What influence does this art school have today? And what should everyone know about the Bauhaus? We answer the most important questions about this year’s anniversary.
The Bauhaus strives to bring together all creative effort into one whole, to reunify all the disciplines of practical art - sculpture, painting, handicrafts, and crafts - as inseparable components of a new architecture.
In 2019, the famous German art school celebrates its great anniversary: the Bauhaus is 100 years old. For the three-part documentary bauhausWORLD, a film team travelled the world, meeting architects, artists, urban planners, doers and dreamers. With its social ideas and design principles, the Bauhaus can still provide answers to the challenges of our time today.
Documentary bauhausWORLD 1/3: Der Code - 100 Jahre Bauhaus | DW Dokumentation
The first part of bauhausWORLD, "The Code", traces the success formula of the Bauhaus. The search for the "architectural world formula" leads to faraway Japan. The forced closure of the Bauhaus in Berlin in 1933 is at the same time the starting point for the worldwide success of the German art school.
Documentary bauhausWORLD 2/3: Der Effekt - 100 Jahre Bauhaus | DW Dokumentation
After the involuntary closure of the Bauhaus in 1933, the second part of the bauhausWORLD, "The Effect", traces its worldwide influence: from Dessau via New York and the Swedish Älmhult to Ulm. Where do we encounter the Bauhaus in everyday life? Is the Bauhaus just a brand today? And: Do we even owe our overdesigned reality to the Bauhaus in the end?
Documentary bauhausWORLD 3/3: Die Utopie - 100 Jahre Bauhaus | DW Dokumentation
The third and final part of bauhausWORLD, "The Utopia", focuses on the influence that Bauhaus philosophy exerts on our globalized society in the 21st century. And in the end we land on Mars. Is that the solution? Or can answers to questions such as "How do we want to live in the future?", "Can design and good design improve people's lives?
Bauhaus in the Onleihe
Mutter, Muse und Frau Bauhaus - Die Frauen um Walter Gropius
1000 Meisterwerke - Bauhaus-Meister
Bauhausstadt Dessau - Identitätssuche auf den Spuren der Moderne
Zeit, Raum und Licht - Vom Bauhaustheater zur Gegenwart
Weimarer Konzepte - Die Kunst- und Bauhochschule 1860-1995
Gläserne Zeit - Ein Bauhaus-Roman
Meister Klee - Lehrer am Bauhaus
Jeder hier nennt mich Frau Bauhaus - Das Leben der Ise Frank
Paul Klee
Geschichte des Design in Deutschland
Die Weissenhofsiedlung - Ein gebautes Manifest der Moderne