
What's new? Foto: Pixabay via Creative Commons, CC0

What's new?

The blogs of the Goethe-Instituts in Canada are the windows into the fascinating world of our bloggers. Here you can find interesting content on cultural topics related to the work of the Goethe-Institut.

Blog: German Film @ Canada Design: Stefanie Allekotte

German Film: Arthouse

The Goethe-Institut Canada blogs about news from film festivals - insights, updates, backgrounds and personalities. German film in Canada, Germany and beyond.

Dresdner Sempergalerie © Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, David Brandt

Cultural Bulletin

What moves the German art and culture scene: What is on offer and what is worth thinking about? Andreas Platthaus, Feuilleton Editor of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", offers insights and personal analyses of current events in the German cultural world.

Word! The language column © Goethe-Institut e. V./Illustration: Tobias Schrank

The German Language Column

How does one find one's way around the rules of the German language, where do new words come from, and what are the most important changes in the use of the language - for example, due to digitalisation and a higher sensitivity due to the gender issue? These and other exciting topics are the focus of our column about the German language.

Rahel Klein, on the road in Bochum Photo: © Sarah Schultes

German cities
On the road with Rahel

Fresh air, clean drinking water, a park nearby, nice neighbors. People who are there for each other and take each other into consideration. That is what the Germans want in their cities. What are you doing for it? And what are the problems? Rahel Klein visits cities in Germany for you - and shows how people are committed to making them more liveable.

Monument 0 de Eszter Salamon © Ursula Kaufmann

Culture in Montreal

The cybercarnet of the activities of the Goethe-Institut Montreal, manifestations of German culture in Montreal and of what we care about in general. Our team of bloggers wanders around the city to offer a unique perspective of our universe.

#artbits © Goethe-Institut Montreal


Street art discoveries from Mexico, Canada and the United States

Popcast © Goethe-Institut | Illustration: DOON 東

Music from Germany

Rock, pop, hiphop, electro: at the beginning of every month we shine our search beacon into the nation’s studios and clubs from Kiel up north to Weilheim way down south. Together with Zündfunk, Bavarian Radio’s scene magazine, we showcase the latest music by riveting off-the-charts bands. Pop made in Germany can also be downloaded here by subscription.
