
Installation view of the exhibition, "Artist's Choice: Jérôme Bel/MoMA DanceCompany." October 27, 2016-October 31, 2016 Photo: Julieta Cervantes © The Museum of Modern Art, New York

We promote cultural exchange between Germany and Canada. We initiate film series, exhibitions, concerts, seminars and festivals which involve bilateral artistic production, reception and reflection.

Completed projects

Die Mauer © BSA

The Wall - a border through Germany

On display are a number of impressive photographs and documents from the archives of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. Addressed subjects are the GDR’s border regime and its victims, escape helpers and flight, everyday life along the inner-German border and within the partitioned city, as well as the joyful overcoming of Germany’s partition during the Peaceful Revolution in 1989.

Berlinale Blogger 2017 © Goethe-Institut

Berlinale Blogger 2017

On behalf of the Goethe-Institut, twelve bloggers and film journalists from around the world will be our BerlinaleBloggers, reporting on the the 67th Berlinale from a multinational perspective.
