Regular and Intensive Courses

Zwei lachende, junge Frauen sitzen in einem Büro am Schreibtisch. Vor ihnen stehen mehrere Bildschirme und ein Laptop.
  • Active exchange in the group
  • Interactive
  • Practice-oriented

You want to learn German at the institute and improve your German skills? For the fall session, we are again offering in-person courses at different levels.

In-person courses in Montreal

Standard course

  • 10 weeks
  • 4 teaching units per week
  • 1 meeting of 180 minutes per week at the Goethe-Institut

Intensive course

  • 4 weeks
  • 10 teaching units per week
  • 4 meetings per week at the Goethe-Institut

Our online alternatives

Online Group Courses

  • Dynamic learning in the group
  • Exercises on the learning platform
  • Weekly online live sessions

Deutsch Online Individual

  • Individual learning rhythm
  • Regular feedback from the tutor
  • 100% online, including live sessions

Frequently asked questions

Questions? We will be glad to help you: