Call for Applications - Choreography Residency

Dance residency in Montreal
© Ben J. Riepe

Goethe-Institut Montreal

The Goethe-Institut Montréal, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique are pleased to offer a choreography residency of two months to two German artists. This residency will allow them to have an important experience in their professional development. A new working environment and meeting other artists will create favourable conditions for creativity and for the evolution of artistic projects, and even for the international standing of a career.
The goal of this residency is to allow a choreographer or dancer living and working in Germany to have a stay of two months in Montreal, accompanied by an artistic partner of his/her choice, also living and working in Germany. This professional partner can come from one of the following domains: the circus arts, new media, cinema and video, interdisciplinary arts, visual arts, chanson, dance, literature and storytelling, handcrafts, music and architectural and theatrical research.
This collaboration in Montreal will allow the artists to develop their artistic relationship further and explore new avenues of creative collaboration in the domain of contemporary dance.

In counterpart, the two artists from Québec will be welcomed at the Fabrik Potsdam in Germany, with the support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.
Area of Focus
Contemporary dance
Targeted Candidates
This international residency is addressed to choreographers, dancers and emerging artists who have a minimum of two years of artistic experience. The artists have to live and work in Germany.
The Location
Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique will put at the disposal of the selected German artists 120 hours of work space with technical support. The Goethe-Institut will provide the office infrastructure. Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique and the Goethe-Institut will remain a support resource for the artists during their stay.
For over twenty-five years, Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique has been accompanying professionals in their technical and artistic development by offering a space and services equipped for research, creation and the fine-tuning of projects in contemporary dance, all the while being involved in the dance community. Its programming, composed of master classes, workshops and mentorship programmes, residencies and exchange projects, both national and international, is constantly renewing itself to better respond to the needs of artists.

Open to the general dance community, this organisation, based on the sharing of resources, regroups nine membre companies: Louise Bédard Danse, Sylvain Émard Danse, Danièle Desnoyers/Le Carré des Lombes, Fortier Danse-Création, Et Marianne et Simon, Danse Carpe Diem/Emmanuel Jouthe, maribé – sors de ce corps, Frédérik Gravel/Grouped’ArtGroup and MAYDAY.
Dates and Grant
The length of the stay is two months, from October to December, 2018. The grant includes: transport costs, insurance and lodging. The selected artists will also receive $2500 to cover the costs of living.
Deadline for Applying
To apply for the residency, please send your application in English by September 15, 2017 to Please include:
- A letter of intention in which you explain how the residency will influence or contribute to your professional development
- A description of the project (one page)
- A list of collaborators and partners involved
A curriculum vitae
- A video excerpt of maximum ten (10) minutes of a recent creation

Applications with project descriptions and videos exceeding the imposed limits will not be considered.

An acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the applicants.
Additional Information
This choreography residency is made possible through the collaboration of the Goethe-Institut Montreal, Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Fabrik [Potsdam], Internationales Zentrum für Tanz und Bewegungskunst and the Bureau du Québec à Berlin.

Goethe-Institut Montréal:
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec:
Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique:
Fabrik [Potsdam]:
Past choreography residencies in Montreal by German Artists
Antje Pfundner (2007), Luc Dunberry (2008), Helge Letonja (2009), Christoph Winkler (2010), Denis « Kooné » Kuhnert (2011), Anna Konjetzky (2012), Ben J. Riepe (2013), Cyril Baldy and Tilman O’Donnell (2014), Begüm Erciyas and Diego Agulló (2015), Jasna L. Vinovrski and Clément Layes (2016), Mirjam Sögner and Sandra Blatterer (2017).


Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

+1 514 499-0159 ext. 107