The future of the European Union. Comparative experiences from federal systems

© Europäische Union

Université de Montréal - Pavillon Lionel-Groulx

Université de Montréal
Pavillon Lionel Groulx (salle C-3061)
3150, rue Jean Brillant

The imminent withdrawal of the United Kingdom has once again intensified discussions about the future of the EU. Although there is wide agreement that the EU requires reforms in many areas, the overall direction of its future development remains unclear. Against the backdrop of the current debate on the future of the EU, the conference will seek to throw light on the current political developments and academic debates. By comparing the EU to Canada, the question of how the EU can be made more democratic, more effective and more efficient will be explored.

The conference is organised by the Cologne Monnet Association for EU-Studies (COMOS, in cooperation with the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales à l’Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM, and the Jean Monnet Centre Montréal (

The conference will gather both senior scholars and up-and-coming academics from diverse backgrounds, political practitioners and civil society representatives in Montréal. Beyond the scientific exchange and debate, the event will serve to foster an intergenerational academic network in the areas of EU studies and comparative federalism among scholars based in Europe and in Canada.

In three thematic panels, the conference will discuss
1: Democracy in multi-level and multi-national systems
2: Differentiation and asymmetric federalism: Challenges and opportunities
3: Crisis management in multi-level systems and the EU

As part of this conference, COMOS and the Jean Monnet Centre Montréal also organise a seminar for young researchers in political science. The seminar particularly addresses students working on the European Union, Canadian politics or comparative federalism. The event will serve to discuss opportunities in the academic world, but also challenges that young researchers have to meet.

In cooperation with and with kind support of the Observatoire des fédérations, the Institut des Amériques, the Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, the Idée fédérale, the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, the Goethe-Institut and the Young Researchers Network within the European Community Studies Association Canada (ECSA-C).


Université de Montréal - Pavillon Lionel-Groulx

3150, rue Jean Brillant

Language: English and French

514-499-0159 # 105