Open House
1989-2019/ Berlin, je me souviens – Berlin, ich denk an Dich

Berlin, ich denk an dich
© Birgit Kinder, Photo: Candice Mermet

Open House as part of the Journées de la culture

Goethe-Institut Montreal

The Goethe-Institut and the Faculté de communication de l’UQAM cordially invite you to come and mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall as part of the Journées de la culture. Programme:

The Wall – A Border through Germany

The history of the Berlin Wall and of the inner-German border is documented on 20 large-format posters. On display are a number of impressive photographs and documents from the archives of the newspapers Bild and Die Welt. Addressed themes are the GDR’s border regime and its victims, escape helpers and flight, everyday life along the inner-German border and within the partitioned city, as well as the joyful overcoming of Germany’s partition during the Peaceful Revolution in 1989.​

1989-2019/ Berlin, je me souviens – Berlin, ich denk an Dich
From the peaceful revolution and merchandization of (n)ostalgia to Rammstein: exhibition, performances, panel discussion
3:00 p.m.: exhibition
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.: panel discussion with UQAM students and film director Catherine Veaux-Logeat (Entre mer et Mur)
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.: musical performance
Partners : Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC)
                 CELAT - Centre et laboratoires de recherche Arts-Cultures-Sociétés
In the summer of 2019, students enrolled in communication, history, music, literature or the German language certificate at UQAM were able to grasp the history and particular stories relating to Germany and Europe, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. During the 6th edition of the Berlin Summer School, they produced films, reports, interviews, photographs, essays, stories, travel diaries and podcasts as part of the courses offered by Sebastian Döderlein (language school, UQAM) and Katharina Niemeyer (media school, UQAM, CELAT). Many of these works will be exhibited and presented on September 28, 2019 at the Goethe Institut and some productions will be posted online:


Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

Language: French
Price: Free admission

+1 514-499-0159