Climbing Iran

Climbing Iran
© Nanof

Film Series presented by EUNIC Montreal

Goethe-Institut Montreal

Film series of the Montreal Cluster of the Cultural Institutions of the European Union EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture):
Cinema meets sport.
After taking you on a journey to the four corners of Europe with the "Interrail" cycle, this year Montreal's European cultural institutions invite you to a meeting of body and mind with the "Eurosport" cycle. From boxing rings to stadium lawns, these films about athletes past and present will awaken your inner "good sport".

Climbing Iran 

Italian, 2020, 54 Min 
Directed by Francesca Borghetti 

Nasim has strong hands adorned with hot-pink fingernail polish. She is the pioneer of outdoor climbing in Iran, where women should train on indoor walls only, during set hours, and only among other women. Nasim decided to go beyond the barriers imposed on women in her country, setting up her own route on the Persian rocks. She brings other young women to the walls, teaching them how to climb and get independent, and has a dream: open a new route on the Alps to become part of the climbing's elite.


Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

Part of series EUROSPORT