Film screening
The Ascent of Chimborazo

Die Besteigung des Chimborazo, dir. Rainer Simon | Still
© DEFA Stiftung


Amphitheater, Saint Paul University

The Goethe-Institut Ottawa's monthly thematic film series on German cinema at Saint Paul University.

The Ascent of CHImborazo

Die Besteigung des Chimborazo
GDR & Federal Republic of Germany | 1989 | 97 mins
Director: Rainer Simon
With: Jan Josef Liefers, Luis Miquel Campos, Olivier Pascalin, Pedro Sisa, Monika Lennartz, Götz Schubert, Hans-Uwe Bauer and Sven Martinek

In 1802, Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland stayed in Ecuador to study the topography of the country. Their goal is to climb the Chimborazo volcano, reaching 6,267 meters and considered at the time as the highest peak in the world. - Pitt Herrmann via


Amphitheater, Saint Paul University

223 Main Street
inside Saint Paul University
Ottawa K1S 1C4

Language: Original version (intern.) with English subtitles.
Price: Free, suggested donation: 5 $
Part of series Adventures big and small | Goethe-Cinema