Culture Talks @ Goethe
A Wall is a Screen

A Wall is a Screen 2014 @ Goethe-Institut Toronto © Tobias Wang
A Wall is a Screen 2014 @ Goethe-Institut Toronto © Tobias Wang | © Tobias Wang

Exploring cities through film

Goethe-Institut Toronto

Co-produced by ImagineNATIVE & Goethe-Institut with AWIAS

For 15 years, A Wall is a Screen has toured the world to show films in the most unusual locations and in such varied and sometimes challenging places as Japan, India, Moldova, Palestine, Toronto, Quebec, Vancouver or even north of the polar circle in Tromsø/Norway. During their travels, they have gathered tons of experiences and of course many good stories to tell about screening films in different cultural surroundings. Those range from the sometimes unexpected challenges of gathering technical equipment at Eastern European street markets to encounters with authorities and regulations of the strangest kind.

In conversation with Jutta Brendemühl from the Goethe-Institut Toronto, the team members of AWIAS will talk about the particularities of screening films in public spaces all over the world, give a glance behind the scenes of their work and will most certainly tell a few very entertaining and odd stories from across the world. (Make sure to ask for the story with the police showing up in riot gear at the AWIAS screening in Berlin's government district!)

The previous day, please join us for the free A Wall is a Screen walk.

Based in Hamburg, Germany, A Wall Is a Screen is an organization that transforms the way we look at and interact with the city around us. Part walking tour, part film screening, this exciting initiative projects short films onto various surfaces along a designated urban path.

Thank you to Lufthansa for flying our artists.

Lufthansa ©   Lufthansa





Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
Toronto M5J 1V6

Price: free admission