DVD Screening & Discussion
"Cat and Mouse"

Deutscher Filmklub

Goethe-Institut Toronto

Katz und Maus Filmclub
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"Cat and Mouse" (1967) is a film adaptation of the correspondent novel by Günter Grass. The film is set in Danzig during World War II. Joachim Mahlke is a high school student and an outsider amongst his peers. He looks deformed because of his oversized Adam's apple. He and his colleagues spend their free time at the Baltic Sea. Their favourite place to play at is an old polish mine sweeper. For the first time, Joachim can shine as a tremendous swimmer and diver. He tries to hide his Adam's apple behind various utensils. For that, he steals a knight's cross from a soldier which he wears over his upper body at the beach. The difficult student flunks out of school because of the theft and decides to got to war as a volunteer. At war, he himself receives a knight's cross and then goes back to his old school in the hope of getting recognition as a military hero.

The film will be shown in German with English subtitles. Afterwards there will be a moderated discussion.

Join us for an exciting edition of the Deutscher Filmklub all year long, where we will show one film from 1967 and our favourite films of the new millenium. Come for the screening and enjoy the discussion in German and English afterwards!

All films are in German with English subtitles. Free but space is limited, RSVP to library@toronto.goethe.org.


Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
Toronto M5J 1V6

Language: German and English
Price: free admission

+1 416 593 5257 - 208 library@toronto.goethe.org