Eco Mobile Workshop & Recycling Talk
Eco Mobile Workshop & Recycling Talk

Led by Paula Hartmann and with a Talk and Q&A by Andrea Chmielinksi, Reverse logistics group, about Recycling and waste.

Goethe-Institut Toronto

Recycling is more than just a buzzword—it's a crucial component of sustainable living. By diverting waste from landfills and conserving natural resources, recycling plays a vital role in reducing our environmental footprint.
At its core, sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It's about finding innovative solutions to protect our planet and preserve its resources for years to come.

In this workshop, we'll explore the intersection of recycling and sustainability, learning how simple actions can make a significant impact on our planet. Together, let's embark on a journey towards a greener, more sustainable future! 

Join us for a creative and informative workshop and talk where you can turn recycled materials into beautiful mobiles and learn more about the recycling-reality.
Led by Toronto-based German artist, Paula Hartman, this hands-on session will inspire you to transform waste into art! 

Before the crafting begins, dive into a discussion about recycling realities in Canada and Germany. Andrea Chmielinski, New Business Development at RLG Canada, will share insights from both perspectives, followed by a Q&A session. 

What to Bring:
Gather your own waste materials such as waste paper, aluminum lids, books, noodles, beads, old jewelry, wool, plastic containers, fabric scraps, straws, and more. Let's give discarded items a new life as sustainable art!

Let's work together to turn waste into lasting art!

Paula Hartmann

Paula Hartmann is a self-taught mobile maker and crafter currently working and living in Toronto, Canada. In her home studio she creates different styles of mobiles, kinetic sculptures, whimsical installations and jewelry pieces, which are partly inspired by East European and indigenous craft traditions.

“In my practice, I use paper, yarn, wire, and other materials that you can find in almost every household. The process of alchemizing simple materials into art fascinates me. There is also the constant urge to make the mundane appear sacred. My work is inspired by geometry and harmonic patterns, which, combined with colours, bring me into a state of joy and peace. It is my intention to share these feelings with as many people as possible and to uplift them.”

Andrea Chmielinski

Andrea Chmielinski, Director of New Business Development at RLG Canada, subsidiary of RLG GmbH a Germany-based company part of Reconomy Group, has been working in the circular economy space for 10 years. Primarily assisting companies with reporting and financial commitments that help establish and implement recycling programs, Andrea has a passion for all things circular. She has been with RLG for two years, prior to that she worked as an independent consultant, and before that in retail and consumer electronics.


Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor

Toronto M5J 1V6

Language: English
Price: Free