Mini Masterclass
How to Start a Novel – A Mini-Masterclass with Author Leonie Swann

Leonie Swann
© Goldmann Verlag / Mark Bassettt

Great things come to those who don't wait, so start writing your novel now!

Goethe-Institut Toronto

Join us for an inspiring 60-minute mini-masterclass with renowned German crime writer Leonie Swann.

Whether you're a seasoned writer or a novice, this workshop will hopefully motivate and inspire you to start creating your story today!

About the Author:
Leonie Swann grew up near Munich and earned degrees in philosophy, communications, and psychology from Munich University and the Munich School of Philosophy. Her debut novel, Three Bags Full, was published in 2005 and became an instant hit, leading the German bestseller charts for months. It has since been translated into 26 languages and won the prestigious Glauser Prize for crime fiction in the debut category, as well as the PETA Award. She has now published seven books and lives and works in the English countryside near Cambridge.

Workshop Details:
In this session, Leonie will read a scene from her bookThe Sunset Years of Agnes Sharpand explain how she built the character and the story around it. Participants will then have the chance to work on their own scenarios, with Leonie providing guidance and support.

After the workshop, enjoy mingling with fellow participants over wine and snacks, and take the opportunity to network and share your writing experiences.

60 Min Workshop
60 Min Mingeling and Networking

Event Highlights:

  • Reading and discussion of a scene from Leonie Swann’s bookThe Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp
  • Interactive story development exercise
  • Personal guidance from Leonie Swann
  • Mingling, wine, and snacks for networking

All writing levels are welcome. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from a celebrated author and jumpstart your novel-writing journey!


Goethe-Institut Toronto

100 University Ave, North Tower, 2nd Floor
M5J 1V6 Toronto

Language: English
Price: Free

Everybody is welcome