Goethe 20/20
20 thoughts on cultural entanglement

Goethe 20/20 Title © © Goethe-Institut Toronto 2019 Goethe 20/20 Title © Goethe-Institut Toronto 2019

Our vision for Goethe 20/20 — as the Goethe-Institut Toronto moves into a new strategic cycle mapping out arts, culture, and ideas-based programming for the next decade — is one of awareness and clarity: to see colours and shades with open minds and to connect the dots; to drive and frame the ongoing exchange between Canada and Germany on critical issues; and to foster the values of dialogue, cooperation, and worldwide mobility. Our lens is one of optimism, of shaping our cultural future(s) together with a positive, responsible, sustainable perspective; one of strong, innovative contributions to the development of a vibrant, diverse civil society that can counter current challenges.

In programmatic clusters, we are looking into the distance with depth perception and sharpened focus. So are our renowned international partners, who have generously added their voices to the question of what the Goethe-Institut means: what it can do, should do, and how it matters in the cultural ecology; how we facilitate change and build community; and how we can enable meaningful and relevant cultural involvement and engagement for wide audiences.

Twenty thinkers state in their own words and images the impact of their relationship with the Goethe-Institut Toronto in all its personal and professional facets and manifestations — thank you, danke, merci. The Goethe Toronto is its people: its team with their full motivation, energy, creativity, and dedication, their thoughtful listening and inspiring acting. Just like playwright-mathematician John Mighton, who wrote the contextualizing essay to this collection around questions of cultural entanglement, we hope to create complex and lasting “Possible Worlds” with and for you. We are partners in your conversation with Germany and Europe, #TogetherFirst.

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