Winter Adé

Winter Adé
Winter Adé |

Goethe-Institut Montreal

Director: Helke Misselwitz, GDR, 1988, 112 min, b&w
In German with French subtitles.

1988 Silver Dove, Leipzig Documentary and Short Film Festival

"I don’t know a more intelligent, moving documentary about how women’s lives are shaped by patriarchy."  – Amy Taubin, Village Voice

Shortly before the GDR’s collapse, Helke Misselwitz traveled by train from one end of the country to the other interviewing East German women of different ages and backgrounds. In this documentary, women reveal their personal and professional frustrations, hopes and aspirations—and, in doing so, paint a portrait of a changing society.  This groundbreaking documentary caused a sensation when it premiered: it undermined the official image of women in the GDR and challenged the East German claim to have achieved gender equality. Ironically, the director was in the US touring with the film on the night when the Berlin Wall fell.


Goethe-Institut Montreal

1626 boul. St-Laurent
Bureau 100
Montreal, QC H2X 2T1

Language: In German with French subtitles.
Price: Free admission, registration required

+1 514 499 0159
Part of series The Fall of the Wall on November 9, 1989