Online Film Screening
Heimat is a Space in Time

Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit
© GmbH

Online Screening in collaboration with Cinéma Moderne

Cinéma Moderne

Director: Thomas Heise, 2019,
Germany/Austria, 218 min.

German with English and French subtitles.

Heimat is a Space in Time was awarded best documentary by the German Critics Association. He also won the Special Jury Prize at RIDM as well as Best Feature Documentary at Visions du Réel in Nyon. 

The film will be available on streaming on the Cinéma Moderne website.
Link to the stream and further information here.

On-screen, shots of contemporary Germany are intercut with a few archival images. Meanwhile, the filmmaker’s voice reads personal letters by members of his family, spanning more than a century. From world wars to the Shoah to the migrant crisis, the reality of divided Germany and its complicated reunification, Thomas Heise examines his country’s past as a way to understand its present. Private lives and socio-political upheavals become the essential links in an essay of uncommon scope, situating individual lives within the ideological movements of their time. A critical reflection on the resurgence of identity-driven nationalist movements, Heimat is personal and political in equal measure.



Cinéma Moderne

5150 St Laurent Blvd
Montreal H2T 1R8

Language: German with English and French subtitles.
Price: $9,99