Open Air Film Projections
A Wall Is A Screen | Festival REGARD

Projector | A Wall Is A Screen
© A Wall Is A Screen

Open-Air Film Walk

Ruelle du Court

Open-Air film walk presented in the framework of the Saguenauy International Short Film Festival REGARD in Saguenay/Chicoutimi.

Meeting Point:
Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 7:30 pm.
132 3/4, rue Racine Est, Chicoutimi / adjacent to the Centre Bang.
More information here.

A wall is a screen

The Hamburg-based artist group "A Wall is a Screen" comes to Saguenay and invites the audience to an urban adventure full of new perspectives. Their open-air film walk consists of projecting short films on walls and house facades. In the process, film and location enter into a symbiosis, creating new contexts in urban space for the brief moment of a short film. Both the route and the program will be a surprise! After the audience has gathered at the first meeting point, they are guided through the city along a well-prepared route to discover Saguenay in the light of cinema.



REGARD – Saguenay International Short Film Festival is one of the most important short film festivals in North America. Each year, the event, which was founded in 1995 in Saguenay,  presents around 200 international and Quebec short films. REGARD is a gateway to the Americas for short films and an international launch pad for Canadian cinema. More information here:


Ruelle du Court

132 3/4, Racine Est St
Adjacent to Centre Bang
Chicoutimi G7H 5B5

Language: English / French
Price: Free

418 698-5854

Meeting Point