New Stages Southeast

New Stages Southeast (Key visual) © kozlik_mozlik via AdobeStock

New Stages Southeast invited playwrights and theater professionals from Southeast Europe to exchange and develop current materials and themes.The exchange took place within the countries, between the countries and with authors from Germany.

Literature and theatre are an important part of the cultural dialogues in Southeastern Europe. The environment for theatre, especially for independent theatre has been difficult long before the Covid-19 crisis. It is especially important in these time to offer alternative ways for playwrights to present their plays to the dramaturges and to the audience.

Main idea 

How do social upheavals, migration and refugee flows, pandemics such as Covid-19, regressions on the way to European integration, regional conflicts and the ubiquity of populist, nationalist regimes influence contemporary theater? How does theater try to counteract negative trends and to contribute to the sustainable development of a (European-oriented) civil society?

It often seems that stage plays react faster, more directly and more specifically than other literary genres to distortions of all kinds, which consequently raises questions about current material and themes. How is the plot constructed? How are characters and patterns developed? Which dramatic escalations should the audience see? What formal means of expression does contemporary theater use? What changes in media (use of video, film, social networks) is it experiencing? What about interdisciplinary approaches, the relationship to performance and the visual arts? Does theater see itself as an educational or awareness-raising institution?

Participating countries 

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece (Athens / Thessaloniki), Croatia, Romania / Moldova, Serbia, Cyprus

The phases

Contemporary drama from Southeast Europe

An overview of the New Stages Southeast project 2021–2023, with details about the participating playwrights and mentors, and the events where the newly developed plays were presented.

Two dancers in front of a concrete backdrop © south_nostalghia via Twenty20 © south_nostalghia via Twenty20



The image shows a close-up portrait of the Cypriot poet, playwright and director Aliye Ummanel. Ummanel smiles at the camera and her red curls cover part of her face. The basic tone and light incidence of the photo is red-yellow. © Aliye Ummanel © Aliye Ummanel

Maria Iole Karolidou © Maria Karolidou © Maria Karolidou

Maria Kyriakou © Stelios Kallinikou © Stelios Kallinikou

Achim Wieland Photo/©: Jessica Nilsson/Folkteatern Gothenburg Photo/©: Jessica Nilsson/Folkteatern Gothenburg

​Marios Konstantinou ​© Marios Konstantinou ​© Marios Konstantinou

Melina Papageorgiou © Melina Papageorgiou © Melina Papageorgiou



Ulrike Syha © Bo Lahola Photography & Design © Bo Lahola Photography & Design

​Christos Georgiou © ​Christos Georgiou © ​Christos Georgiou

Events in 2023

New Stages South East Festival (April 2023)

Theater Oberhausen

From 20–23 April 2023, Theater Oberhausen, in partnership with the Goethe-Institut, presented new dramatic texts from Southeastern Europe as part of the New Stages South East festival

Film still from the highlight video “Theater Oberhausen: New Stages South East Festival (April 2023)”

New Stages South East – At Theater Oberhausen

Interview with Melina Papageorgiou

The work When the music stops… by Cypriot playwright Melina Papageorgiou was among the pieces selected to be presented at the festival in Theatre Oberhausen.

Flyer New Stages Southeast Festival Oberhausen

Events in 2021


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