Film screenings
MuVi Award

In front of a black background a dog with light brown fur is seen, whose gaze is directed frontally into the camera. He has long wavy blonde hair that resembles human hair.
© Kay Otto

67th edition of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

ARTos House

In 1999 Oberhausen introduced the world’s first festival prize for music videos. The impulse to create this award arose out of the observation that music videos had increasingly managed to emancipate themselves from their purely illustrative and advertising function, transforming themselves into a completely independent form of visualisation. Today, music videos have proven themselves to be an independent short film genre that even managed to survive the decline of its midwife, music television. This programme gathers together all works nominated for the 2021 MuVi Award, supplemented by two artistically outstanding videos from United Kingdom and Iran.

The 1st MuVi Prize went to the Deepfake music video Junge Milliardäre, in which a band member uses artificial intelligence to become a singing Elon Musk who swings his hips without restraint. Christine Gensheimer looks back to the pioneering days of computer graphics in The Source of the Absolute Knowledge, awarded 2nd prize, and playfully lets man meet machine. The MuVi Online Audience Award went to Mishka Kornai for NOAH. The video traces some people who go into telephone booths to make phone calls.

Fanuks: I Want to Sing Like Ella (Der Plan)
Duc-Thi Bui/Marc Engenhart, 5 min. 30 sec.

Forever Corona (Oliver Polak, Erobique)
Kay Otto, 3 min. 30 sec.

Haare Zu Gold (Hans Unstern)
Hans Unstern, 9 min. 30 sec.

Junge Milliardäre (UWE)
UWE, 4 min. 30 sec.

Mrs Yamahas Summer Tune (Richard von der Schulenburg)
Katharina Duve/Timo Schierhorn, 4 min. 30 sec.

NOAH (Christian Löffler)
Mishka Kornai, 4 min.

Out of Control (DJ Hell)
Stacie Ant, 3 min. 30 sec.

Pointilist (Kröter)
Jo Zahn, 6 min.

Rasenmäher in E-Moll (beißpony)
Stephanie Müller/Klaus Erika Dietl, 15 min.

re:Biber #4 (ThereAreNoMoreFourSeasons)
Klöfkorn Gavois, 7 min.

The Pure and the Damned (Oneohtrix Point Never)
Oliver Pietsch, 4 min. 30 sec.

The Source of the Absolute Knowledge (Jaakko Eino Kalevi)
Christine Gensheimer, 5 min.


Station Three (Quartet Diminished)
Pooya Razi, Iran, 3 min.

Traitors (Benefits)
Kingsley Hall, Vereinigtes Königreich, 4 min. 30 sec.


ARTos House

Agion Omologiton 64

Language: German with English subtitles, English
Price: Admission free

+357 22 445455
Part of series Oberhausen on Tour in Nicosia