Berlinale Selection 2021 Wet Dog

Scene from the film "Wet Dog" – A young man is standing in the middle of what seems like a school assembly, with his fellow students seated around him and some looking at him. He is wearing his long hear in a bun and a beige jacket with a hoody. © Menemsha Films

Sat, 22.01.2022

8:00 PM

Pantheon Cinema

This film adaption of the autobiographical novel by Arye Sharuz Shalicar tells the story of the Jewish boy Soheil, who denies his Jewish heritage in order to become a member of a Muslim gang. With the courage of its ambivalence and its radially honest storytelling, Wet Dog is both authentic and thrilling.

The film, directed by Damir Lukačević, tells its story from the beginning with a clear commitment to authenticity and radicalism. The interaction within the gang and the conflict with enemy groups almost makes a documentary impression, and the events are told so densely that one is riveted to the story. However, giving insight into a milieu, Wet Dog tells the story of a young person who is not only searching for a place in life and society, but also for his own identity. Belonging to a religion, as relevant as it is, only represents what defines a person – in the eyes of others, but also for oneself. The excellent young performers are convincing in their roles and able to convey the conflicts through a straightforward script and a supporting cast of experienced actors such as Kida Khodr Ramadan. Cinematically, Wet Dog is convincing in every respect, whether camera, montage, music or the choice of settings.

Directed by: Damir Lukačević
Screenplay: Damir Lukačević
Production: Carte Blanche International GmbH, Warner Bros: Entertainment;
Music: Boris Bojadzhiev
Cinematography: Sten Mende
Film editing: Christoph Strothjohann
Cast: Doguhan Kabadayi; Kida Khodr Ramadan; Judith Hofmann; Mohammad Eliraqui; Derya Dilber; Dorka Gryllus; Ariella Hirshfeld; Nathalie Taly Journo; Hassan Kello; Arash Ravand; Akdeniz Talha; Christoph Letkowski


  • Rated “Besonders Wertvoll” by the Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung, Wiesbaden
