Discussion Ledra Palace and Brandy Sours

Facade of the imposing Ledra Palace Hotel in Nicosia. It is built of sandstone and has arched doors and small balconies. ©Don Christie / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

Mon, 11.03.2024

7:00 PM

Goethe-Institut Nicosia

Ledra Palace Hotel Nicosia about 1958

Wir sind wieder da!

The third event of the series “Wir sind wieder da!” is an evening dedicated to the Ledra Palace Hotel, the most famous neighbour of the Goethe-Institut Cyprus. We have invited Antigone Heraclidou and Mete Hatay, who have researched and written about this landmark hotel. On this evening they will take us on a journey through time, as they share their knowledge and memories related to this hotel, which is an important reference point for Nicosia, not only geographically but also historically.  

Among our guests for the evening is the awarded author Constantia Soteriou, with whom we will be making some of the drinks that appear with their recipes in her latest book titled Brandy Sour, which is about the Ledra Palace Hotel.    

Constantia Soteriou was born in Nicosia. Her Novel Ayshe Goes on Vacation (Patakis, 2015) was awarded the Athens Prize for Literature. Her novel Voices Made of Soil (Patakis, 2017) was shortlisted for the National Book Awards in Cyprus and Greece. In 2019, her short story Death Customs was the overall winner of Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Her novel Bitter Land (Patakis, 2020) received the Cyprus National Book Award for Best Novella. Bitter Land was also a contender for the EU Prize for Literature in 2021. Her most recent novella, Brandy Sour, was awarded the Cypriot National Prize for Literature and will be published in the UK by Foundry Editions as translated by Lina Protopapa.

Antigone Heraclidou is a historian and senior research associate at the Museum Lab of the CYENS Centre of Excellence. She holds a PhD in Modern History from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. She is the author of Imperial Control in Cyprus: Education and Political Manipulation in the British Empire (2017). She has co-curated two historical exhibitions: Ledra Palace: Dancing on the Line (2021) and On the Field: Football. History. Nicosia (2022-2023), both taken place at the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia, as well as the British Rule room of the permanent collection of the museum (2023).

Mete Hatay is a political analyst who has been a Senior Research Consultant at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo’s (PRIO) Cyprus Centre since 2003. He has published articles in academic journals such as American Ethnologist, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, Journal of Refugee Studies, and Ethnic and Racial Studies. He is also the author of numerous reports and policy briefs, particularly on subjects such as demography, property, and cultural heritage. With Rebecca Bryant, he published Sovereignty Suspended: Building the So-Called State in 2019. He has also published three books in Turkish: Eşikteki Meseleler (Söylem Yayınları, 2019); Kıbrıs’ın En Uzun Yüzyılı (Kalkedon/Khora, 2021); and Kıbrıs: Bitmeyen Yaz (Kalkedon/Khora 2023). With director Orhan Eskiköy, he has produced two documentaries: Başgan, a full-length film about north Cyprus politics, and the short film Art Beyond the Divide, about the ways that art can be used to overcome long-term divisions.
