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German Refresher Course in Munich

German Refresher
  • Consolidate and further knowledge
  • Program tailored to the group
  • Focus on speaking and grammar
  • Short and concise

Would you like to further your knowledge of certain topics at your language level or fill small gaps in your knowledge? Then our one-week German Refresher course is perfect for you!

Refresh your German

The German Refresher course does not follow a structure defined beforehand. The teacher tailors it to the needs and interests of the participants, and compiles a course programme in line with these at the applicable level for the class.
In this course, the focus is on spoken interaction: in different situations, you repeatedly practice communicating fluently. You also expand on important linguistic structures at your language level.
Depending on the level, possible topics that may be dealt with in the German Refresher course may be, for example, education and career, shopping, travel, media, nature and the environment as well as other cultures.
  • Level
    A1, A2, B1, B2

  • Duration
    4 days

  • Total scope
    25 lessons of 45 minutes each

  • Participants
    max. 12 per class

  • Course location
    Goethe-Institut München
    Rablstraße 24
    81669 München

  • Price
    EUR 469

The core elements

Further knowledge

Further knowledge

Talk to one another

Talk to one another

Consolidate grammar

Consolidate grammar

There are currently no dates available.

When is the German Refresher course particularly suitable?

Changing the language

When switching language schools

Have you learned German at another language course provider, but now would like to take a course with us at the Goethe-Institut? The German Refresher course is ideal as preparation for your intensive or evening course. In this way, you can be sure that you will get along well with the Goethe German courses!

Catching up

When wanting to catch up

Have you already taken a German course at the Goethe-Institut, but are now unsure whether you would be able to take the next level? The German Refresher course is perfect for deepening your German skills and repeating difficult things in a targeted manner!

Freshen up

When wanting a refresh

Do you already have knowledge of German, but have not spoken it for a long time, perhaps because you communicate mostly in English at your work? To refresh your German and get back into the language, the German Refresher course is the right choice!

FAQs – Frequently asked questions

We are happy to advise you +49 89 1222 3 1222 from Mon to Fri, 8am – 6pm: kundenservice-d@goethe.de