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Heather and Matt, German Course 摄影: Goethe-Institut, David Höpfner
Heather and Matt, German Course


莱茵河畔的生活乐趣、贝多芬的音乐、前首都:在波恩学习德语 - 并探索孤独星球(Lonely Planet)最佳城市的魅力!#goethebonn


波恩歌德学院摄影: Goethe-Institut/A. Hoehner
媒体室摄影: Goethe-Institut
休息室摄影: Goethe-Institut



  • 6 间设备现代化的教室
  • 包括多种媒体的媒体室
  • 无线网络
  • 可使用大学设施:食堂、咖啡简餐厅、图书馆
  • 休息室
  • 住宿
  • 医疗保险(备选)
  • 机场接送(请垂询)
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  • 波恩大学 图:Presseamt Bundesstadt Bonn
  • 联邦艺术馆 图:Presseamt Bundesstadt Bonn
  • 莱茵河滨大道 图:Presseamt Bundesstadt Bonn
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  2. 2
  3. 3
许多的艺术家和作曲家都表达出他们对莱茵河及其美景的激赏 - 包括为歌德学院命名的約翰·沃爾夫岡·馮·歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)。景色优美的大学城波恩能够迅速吸引您的眼球。这座莱茵河畔的城市位于科隆南部,是德国最古老的城市之一,其历史可以追溯到 2000 多年前,目前拥有约 32.7 万人口。时至今日,波恩仍是多个联邦部委的正式所在地。位于莱茵河谷和西本格山脉脚下迷人的风景区,年复一年吸引着无数的游客。拥有 35,000 名学生的莱茵弗里德里希·威廉大学(Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität),以及来自通信技术和物流领域的知名公司(其中包括两家 DAX 上市公司)都为这座城市打上了深深的烙印。德国学术交流中心(DAAD)、亚历山大·冯·洪堡基金会(Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung)和德国之声(Deutsche Welle)也在波恩设有总部。


Bonn is located right next to the Rhine metropolis of Cologne, but in recent years has emerged as a cultural center in its own right. It is home to many major museums such as the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bonn Museum of Modern Art, and Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik, a museum dedicated to modern German history. From May to September, the traditional Bonner Sommer outdoor music festival features a wealth of open-air concerts in every conceivable genre from jazz, reggae, rock and roll and soul to salsa, swing and hiphop. The city of Beethoven's birth also offers an outstanding program of classical music, for instance at the annual Beethoven Festival.


波恩年轻、富有活力的景象总是出现在市中心拥有众多酒馆和咖啡馆的地方。来自国内外的游客享受着现场戏剧的表演场所、露天音乐会,当然还有热闹狂欢季所带来的乐趣。Rheinaue Park is nicknamed the city's green lung. With its 40 km network of paths, a large lake and various gardens, the park is a popular place for open air events, sports and picnics. In the region around Bonn, the Eifel National Park is ideal for hiking, and the Ahrtal Valley awaits with memorable wine-tasting experiences. A boat trip on the Rhine is a wonderful way to see the Rhine valley, a world cultural heritage site, with its many castles and hillside vineyards, and the famous Loreley.

Ann, 33 岁, 来自美国的课程学员 摄影: Goethe-Institut Frankfurt


Ann, 33 岁, 来自美国的课程学员

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