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 Joanna Akiki ©Ali Zaraay

Joanna Akiki

Joanna Akiki graduated from the Lebanese University after studying Mass Communication at the College of Mass Communication. She has been working for the Lebanese MTV channel for four years on a program that reports on the cases of prisoners and people with mental illnesses. She has been since childhood interested in environmental issues that concern society and put it before great challenges, as well as issues related to human health. Therefore, during her journalistic training, she focused on environmental and health issues.

My areas of Interests:

of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby

„The topic that I have chosen for the competition within the framework of the project "Journalism and Science Project in North Africa and the Middle East" was not by chance. The importance of breastfeeding in the life of the child and the mother has always been evident in human history. Scientific research has revealed the main benefits of breastfeeding: It protects the mother from breast cancer, as well as from some viruses and osteoporosis. The child also benefits greatly: breast milk protects him/her from many diseases and viruses, strengthens his/her immune system, and strengthens his/her teeth and bones.”

  Here you can find her publications as part of the "Journalism and Science Project in North Africa and the Middle East” 1

  Here you can find her publications as part of the "Journalism and Science Project in North Africa and the Middle East” 2
