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Media and Science

“Media and Science in the MENA Region” is a project that supports journalists from Mauretania to Iraq in advancing scientific knowledge by means of modern media and in dialogue with the people from the MENA region. Science is still underrepresented in the mainstream media and only accessible to a relatively small readership. However, the importance to keep the wider public informed about progress and to encourage its engagement in the ongoing discourse on science is considerable.

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  •  Sabry Khaled © Goethe Institut
  •  konferenz-wissenschaftsjournalismus © Goethe Institut
  • Konferenz Wissenschaftsjournalismus © Goethe Insitut
  • Konferenz Wissenschaftsjournalismus2 © Goethe Insitut
  • Konferenz Wissenschaftsjournalismus4 © Goethe Institut
  • Konferenz Wissenschaftsjournalismus3 © Goethe Institut

In 2022, the Goethe-Institut Cairo offers workshops for science journalists from the MENA countries, providing guidance on the creative possibilities of sharing scientific topics that they feel passionate about with a broader audience. Be it through narrative techniques, ideation, or research methods – a range of modules help participants to communicate scientific knowledge in a comprehensible, innovative, and attractive manner. That is to say, the more creative and compelling their coverage, the more it will inspire people to take part in public debates on science.

 The Goethe-Institut Cairo intends this year to hold three face-to-face workshops for print and multimedia journalists who wish to cover science. Places of implementation are Cairo, Beirut and Tunis. The workshops consist of various modules that train journalists on research approaches and anti-fake-news action, as well as narration techniques, ideation, and the application of multimedia. Alongside these journalism essentials, participants can learn how to make science more attractive and accessible for their readership and how to arouse scientific enthusiasm, especially among younger generations. The workshops will further enable participants to connect across borders and to establish international contacts.
The ten best journalists will participate in a mentoring programme in autumn. The winners will be selected by an expert jury who will evaluate the articles submitted by the participating journalists. Within three months, the winners will receive personal mentoring from an expert. During this time, the mentors accompany the journalists digitally in their daily work, support them with questions and are available for an exchange of ideas. This mentoring programme serves to further qualify the journalists and to further network Arab journalists.
A total of four short digital workshops on mobile reporting, data journalism, podcasting and fact checking will be organised throughout the year for participants of past projects to strengthen science journalism. The short workshops give the former participants new impulses and delve into topics relevant to science journalism. The digital workshops also serve to connect the participants across regions.
In addition, the Goethe-Institut Cairo is organising a series of science talks with regional experts in the run-up to COP27 from October to November. A total of ten digital talks will be held, which will be accessible to the general public via live stream.

A project of the Goethe-Institut and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Teilnehmende der Workshops

