Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting Sets the Stage for Exciting Collaborations

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting Goethe Institut

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

  • Be2aty Kick-Off Meeting

13 June 2023 marked an important date for Be2aty, as Goethe-Institut's premises in Dokki welcomed the consortium partners for the Be2aty project kick-off meeting. Representatives from Greenish, Alwan wa Awtar, Upfuse, MIO-ECSDE, along with Goethe-Institut's Be2aty team, gathered from 10 am to 6 pm to kickstart this exciting journey.

This lively gathering brought our partners together, offering the opportunity to finally meet in-person and establish genuine connections. The atmosphere was a delightful mix of professional reflections, valuable insights, and fruitful discussions. Throughout our time together, we also discussed partners’ roles and responsibilities to ensure that our project will start off on the right foot.

Several key outputs were achieved during our meeting. First and foremost, the finalization of the comprehensive Project Handbook to guide partners and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, an updated project timeline was collectively developed, outlining the project's milestones and deliverables. Lastly, our discussions also led to the formulation of a Project Communication Strategy and Visual Identity, which will serve as the project's public face and ensure effective communication with stakeholders.

The enthusiasm among all partners is now visible as we prepare to commence our activities, and we would like to conclude by sharing the good news with you: our project is now in motion and our pilot bootcamp set to take place in February 2024! For further information regarding the registration, please visit this Link.
