Against the pollution of the oceans

 Groups of people with trashbags Med Lemine Rajel © Goethe-Institut Kairo

Within the framework of the Alumnae/i support fund of the "Ensemble pour l'environnement" project, the NGO BiodiverCités organized a clean-up event on the beach of Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, to raise awareness about pollution and environmental protection on the Day of the Ocean.

The action was preceded by an awareness-raising workshop where high school students refreshed their knowledge on climate change, waste management and civil society practices. In the form of a marathon, they met other actors on the 8th of June 2023 to collect and sort litter left or washed up on the beach of Nouakchott together. For the younger participants, a painting competition with the Mauritanian artist Amy Sow was offered to sensitize them in a playful way to the issues of environmental pollution. 

  •  picture of poster of project Med Lemine Rajel © Goethe-Institut Kairo

  • Group of participants Med Lemine Rajel

  • People collecting trash at a beach Med Lemine Rajel © Goethe-Institut Kairo

  • Woman drawing a fish Med Lemine Rajel © Goethe-Institut Kairo

  • Man holding a drawing of an octopus Med Lemine Rajel © Goethe-Institut Kairo

The project "Ensemble pour l'environnement" (in German " Gemeinsam für die Umwelt") promotes innovative project ideas around the topics of climate and environment, which at the same time have the potential to stimulate intra-societal dialogue. Through commitment to their own environment, participants can be motivated to actively participate as citizens and develop a collective sense of responsibility. In this sense, "sustainability" is not only related to environmental issues in terms of content, but also has a structural component in that the alumnae/i network is cultivated and promoted.

