Presentation of Tandems
Mounir & Abdelilah

Länderteams: Mounir & Abdelilah © Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut

Get to know our exciting civic actresses and actors, who are participating in the „Civic Education“ project in order to spread ideas of tolerance, diversity and civic participation. Check out their innovative, multimedia blogs to know more about their reasons and motivation to strengthen the civic society in their homecountries Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan.

...present the organisation they are working with

© Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut

Mounir and Abdelilah present the organisations they are working with. about why the are participating in the program


Trainer-Tandems 2019 Mounir
@ Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut

Been a participant in the “Training of Trainers” was a gate for me to see the importance and the impact using this Civic Education (CE) approach and to better transfer our learning method, I joined the “Training of Instructors”.



Trainer-Tandems 2019 - Abdelilah
© Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut
There have been many reasons that encouraged me to apply and participate in the “Training of Instructors”:
1st Often I participated in “Training of Trainers” programs, I really tasted the importance of civic education via this approach.
2nd As I am young/active in the civil society I feel I am obliged to join the “Training of Instructors”  in order to take part in social impact via training youth in civic education.
3rd I am looking to increase my capabilities in civic education, so the “Training of Instructors” is an advanced training where I will learn much more tools. 

Erzählen Ihre Erfahrung als Trainer

Mounir and Abdelilah are not only talking about the content of their TOT, but also about the personal highlights of their training.

© Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut

What does civil society education mean for...


Civic education is both tool and approach that lead the people to be aware of the society they live in, especially focussing on social dilemmas in order to address them.


Civic education to me is life education, where learning and experience aim to an education which promotes human values.

...present their favorite method

Mounir and Abdelilah are presenting their favorite activity used their TOT’S.

© Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut