Presentation of Tandems
Safa & Mohsen

Länderteams: Safa & Mohsen © Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut

Get to know our exciting civic actresses and actors, who are participating in the „Civic Education“ project in order to spread ideas of tolerance, diversity and civic participation. Check out their innovative, multimedia blogs to know more about their reasons and motivation to strengthen the civic society in their homecountries Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan.

...present the organisation they are working with

Safa presents the Organisation she is working with. Mohsen works as a freelancer in Civic Education.

© Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut about why the are participating in the program


Trainer-Tandems 2019 Safa
© Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut
  • To develop my entity´s tools and methods
  • Capacity building for my team members
  • Enriching my career with such an experience and explore new horizons


Trainer-Tandems 2019 Mohsen
@ Anis Roger, Goethe-Institut

My motive to participate in the “Training of Instructors” (ToI) is to share experiences with other participants in the field of civic education.


...erzählen von ihren Erfahrungen als Trainerinnen

Safa and Mohsen are not only talking about the content of their ToT, but also about the personal highlights of their training.

© Goethe-Institut

What does civil society education mean for...


Civic education is a process where citizens explore, test, share and reflect the existing values in their community.


Civic education for me is a different type of education that is driven by values such as diversity, tolerance, respect, transparency, justice and promotes peace and democracy.

...present their favorite method

Safa and Mohsen are presenting their favorite activity used their TOT’S.

© Goethe-Institut