INPUT 2018 Brooklyn

INPUT Brooklyn 2018 © Goethe-Institut New York

Input 2018 Brooklyn

Brooklyn is waiting for you!

The colleagues from Forest Creatures Foundation and the Goethe-Institut New York have presented a terrific concept for the next conference which opened on April 30, 2018 at the Williamsburg Cinemas in Brooklyn.

This is the first time the conference was held in New York State from 30th April to 4th May 2018. From 1st October to 15th December applications could be submitted on the following topics:

- Fifty is the new Thirty: Programmes that are especially attractive for the audience aged 30 to 50.
  Submissions can be factual, fiction or entertainment programmes.
- Web programmes for young people
- Political Comedy
- Tailor-Made for INPUT: Edgy and surprising programmes that don’t fall into any of the three
  categories but promise to stir lively debates.

The application deadline for INPUT 2018 has expired.

The International Selection was in the hands of the INPUT Moderators who are appointed annually by the INPUT Board. We are happy that Eleftheris Fylaktos, Commissioning Editor of the Greek Broadcasting Corportaion ERT, Greece and Nowell Cuanang, Senior Programme Manager of the News and Public Affairs Department, GMA Network, Philippines who were beside others moderators of the Mini-INPUT 2017 in Colombo will also participate as moderators at the INPUT Brooklyn 2018.

A House is not a Home (Director: Kancahne Marasinghe)
Positive Women (Director: Sandya Withanawasam)
Life without Love – Love without Life (Ranga Bandaranayake)
WHEN I AM NOT A LIVE (Director: Sandaruwan Thilakarathna)
Departure (Director: Athula Peiris)
Meet again another day (Director: Santhusa Liyanage)