MINI-INPUT 2022 Barcelona

Mini-INPUT Barcelona 2022 © Goethe-Institut

The Goethe-Institut has strongly supported the idea of public service television and INPUT, the annual INternational PUblic Television conference. Through its mini-INPUT or Best of INPUT programmes, the Institute aims to connect television professionals, filmmakers and film students in Ethiopia with the global INPUT network.

After the first exchange of this kind last year at the Goethe-Institut in Addis Ababa, the Mini-INPUT Barcelona 2022 conference took place on 13 and 14 October 2022 at the Alliance Ethio-Française in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sixteen international TV productions screened during INPUT 2022 will be followed by moderated discussions with film experts from Ethiopia, Greece and Germany. Members of the Ethiopian film and broadcasting sector are invited to share their perspectives on the screened productions and ask questions relevant to public service broadcasting in the current media landscape.

Special thanks to the whole team of the Alliance Ethio-Française for their continuous support and for providing the platform for Mini-INPUT Barcelona 2022.

Feel free to forward this information to anyone who could benefit from this experience.

