Leul Shoaferaw

Leul Shoaferaw © © Mekbib Tadesse  Leul Shoaferaw © Mekbib Tadesse

Leul Shoaferaw

As a filmmaker, music manager and curator, Leul Shoaferaw is a broadly based cultural producer. His short film Plumes Blanches, which premiered at FESPACO (Festival Panafricain du Cinéma de Ouagadougou) in 2019, marked his first professional step in the film industry. This gave him access to many other international festivals, such as the New York African Film Festival (NYAFF), the Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) and the Silicon Valley African Film Festival (SVAFF). Furthermore, Plumes Blanches was awarded as the best film on African Cultural Issues at the Lake International Pan African Film Festival (LIPFF) in Kenya.

As a script writer and editor, he has also contributed to Yegna, a television series and music project dealing with women's empowerment, reproductive health, gender-based violence and other social issues. In order to promote cultural artists, support their projects and to network with other artists, Leul Shoaferaw founded the WAG Entertainment, whose connections extend to Accra and Lagos by now. He is also an impact producer at Generation Africa, a platform for African filmmakers.  

After attending INPUT 2022 in Barcelona, he will also participate in this year's INPUT in Taipei.