Second Stage: Solo Exploration

Online Ausstellung : Photo Workshop © © Abenezer Tefera Online Ausstellung : Photo Workshop © Abenezer Tefera

Second Stage: Solo Exploration

As part of the second stage of the project between May and December 2022, the seven photographers were provided seed grants to carry out solo explorations at a location of their choice. They had the opportunity and time to develop the stories they would like to express in connection to the water topic. They thus used the time and resources to find a distinct scene and create a photo story that best displays their narrative.

Through regular online consultation sessions, Andy Spyra guided the photographers through the creative process and helped identify the most captivating shots from the hundreds of pictures taken during the period. By the end of the stage in 2022, seven unique photo stories were created and showcased at the Goethe-Institut. Key photographs from the seven stories were printed out as postcards with the photo stories exhibited in their entirety on the Goethe-Institut Äthiopien website.
  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

  • Second Stage: Solo Exploration © Abenezer Tefera

Impressions of the event in the hall of the Goethe-Institut in Addis Ababa.
