Reading Ayşe Bosse "Pembo – Halb und halb macht doppelt glücklich!"

The “DRIN” project © EL BOUM

Fri, 05.11.2021

10:00 AM MEZ

Literaturhaus Berlin

Reading for school classes

An event in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Berlin and Goethe-Institut Finnland's project "DRIN – Visions for Children's Books"

Ayşe Bosse reads from her moving and funny children's book "Pembo – Halb und halb macht doppelt glücklich!". In the story Pembo has to leave its dear home village in Turkey and move to Germany, "the most terrible country in the world". But in the end everything is not as bad as Pembo thinks in the beginning...

Like Pempo, Ayşe Bosse grew up in a Turkish-German family and lives today in Hamburg. She works as an author, actor and  grief counselor. Her first children's book has won several prizes and was nominated for the German Youth Literature Prize. 

Free of charge, only for school classes, recommended for children in the third grade and beyond
