One Ice-cold January Morning at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Roland Schimmelpfennig


One Ice-cold January Morning at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Roland Schimmelpfennig
Translation: Jamie Bulloch
London, MacLehhose Press 2018
233 pages


Die Hauptstadt
Roland Schimmelpfennig
Berlin, S. Fischer Verlage 2016
256 pages

The wolf is a symbol of mankind's loneliness. A wolf is sighted near Berlin in winter. It appears again and again and crosses the paths of various protagonists, all of whom are in search of a little bit of happiness: two young runaways fleeing from their mother's blows, a young Pole longing for his homeland, a young journalist who is supposed to report on the wolf, and many other characters.

Translation sponsored by the Goethe-Institut
