Get set, German!

A young man walks outside of a building. What will await him? © Unsplash

GIMAGINE promotes and supports the learning of German as a foreign language in the UK. The project centres around students, teachers and schools. Apart from offering initiatives for professional advancement to German teachers, the project can fund learning German through scholarships and provides schools with classroom materials and teaching resources.

GIMAGINE is for...

A German teacher © Jayne Lloyd © Jayne Lloyd

A group of students discuss in a circle © Jayne Lloyd © Jayne Lloyd

A group of students in a library © Jayne Lloyd © Jayne Lloyd

A man in front of a cameria © Unsplash © Unsplash

We form part of NCLE

The National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE) is a nationwide hubs programme funded by the DfE up to £14.9 million over three years to re-energise language learning in state-maintained primary and secondary schools in England. The NCLE is led by UCL's Institute of Education, together with the Goethe-Institut and the British Council. 

NCLE logo

Latest on Gimagine

17– 21 March 2025

German Week

Get ready for an exciting week dedicated to celebrating the German language, no matter where you are in the UK! The Goethe-Institut UK invites you to immerse your pupils and yourself in a series of fun, innovative and didactic activities designed to promote German learning. We are excited to offer you a series of events and creative resources, including fully prepared lessons with lesson plans, to support you in organising workshops and activities at your school.

A group of students and staff at the Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut

Berlin – Capital of Women Scientists

The Goethe-Institut is bringing the exhibition ‘Berlin - Capital of Female Scientists’, developed by the Institute of Health @Charité Berlin with the support of the Berlin Senate Chancellery, to schools in the UK! We offer teaching and learning materials at levels A1 to A2 on the topic of ‘Women in Science’ that help pupils learn to introduce themselves and others. 22 worksheets with grammar and language exercises on various female scientists accompany the poster exhibition, which you can conveniently order to your school. A lesson plan in English and the solutions to the exercises are also provided.

Eine Illustration der Wissenschaftlerin Cecile Voigt © Senatskanzlei Berlin © Senatskanzlei Berlin

Our German Clubs with interactive starter-kits for teachers

German Club Starter Kits will include a German Club Handbook (digital or hardcopy) for club leaders, gamified learning challenges, badges, and awards for students, with different learning routes according to students' ages. Previous knowledge of German is neither necessary for students nor teachers. We further offer comprehensive professional training and incentive trips for teachers and heads who start up a club. We can also help set up a club directly at your school!

Wuschel and Micky lie under a tree and watch the sky. @Goethe-Institut London/Axel Scheffler @Goethe-Institut London/Axel Scheffler

Enterprise German

Enterprise German (“Unternehmen Deutsch”) combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. Teachers and professors may now sign up school classes from secondary schools in the UK, and university students who deal with the topic of career orientation, as participating groups.

Two young women work on their tablets © Unsplash © Unsplash

Get free professional coaching at your school

Our German Expert Mentors (GEMs) Network delivers support to German departments and professional upskilling to German teachers in schools across England. Part of a nationwide network, our GEMs will coach and mentor language-teaching professionals, supply updated teaching resources and materials, and re-energise language learning with free-of-charge, bespoke offers that can be tailored to individual needs upon request. 

Picture GEM © Canva © Canva

Featured initiatives

GIMAGINE provides resources and materials to teaching professionals, institutions and students. Here, you will find our latest initiatives.

Scholarships for community organisers

Bake sale, game night, or book club: organise a community project in German and win a scholarship for a German course at the Goethe-Institut.

Ein junger Mann mit einer Gruppe Kinder. Ein Buch wird besprochen. © Getty Images © Getty Images

Vorsprung Deutsch

Is your German Department facing a short-term HR shortage? With Vorsprung Deutsch, the Goethe-Institut can step in until your department has got back on its feet again.

Text Vorsprungprogramm on a blue background with a rocket and speechbubble "Deutsch" ©Goethe-Institut London ©Goethe-Institut London

Career Roadshow UK

Our UK-wide career roadshows offer students a multi-faceted program that provides insight into the relevance of German in professional life.

Logo from our Career Roadshow @Geza/Goethe-Institut @Geza/Goethe-Institut

The GIMAGINE Award for young German learners

The Gimagine Award is a highly engaging, innovative self-learning platform for young learners (14 – 18 years of age), equipping them with beginner German skills and current global knowledge about a broad range of topics. Learners will collect points that lead to the “GIMAGINE Award Certificate” – an official certificate stating their achievements.

The platform


Stay up to date and receive the latest initiatives and funding opportunities directly in your inbox by subscribing to our newsletter. 

Fit for GCSE

Here you will find a wide range of teaching materials and free German exercises, compiled in accordance with subject areas of the British GSCE for German as a foreign language. The focus is on promoting the use of the German language in action-oriented lessons, communicative speaking and writing.

Themenbasiertes Lernen © Getty Iamges © Getty Iamges

Grants & Scholarships for Teachers

Learn about our current grants and scholarships, both for teachers of the German language, be it for professional development or to increase your level of German, as well as for pupils, students, and learners of German. Get set, German! 

Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL)

With our regional DLL courses you will have the opportunity to share and refresh your specialist knowledge with German teachers from the Northwestern Europe region (Ireland, UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands). You will gradually develop your professional skills by trying out new things and reflecting on your own teaching.

DLL © GettyImages © GettyImages

Questions, feedback, suggestions?

Logo: GIMAGINE project

Initiative Partners

GIMAGINE is a project by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with its partners of the National Consortium for Languages Education. The National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE) is a partnership of UCL's Faculty of Education and Society (IOE), the British Council and the Goethe-Institut.  In accordance with GIMAGINE, NCLE Language Hubs are being set up to promote the quality of language teaching throughout England. NCLE aims to increase the uptake of language qualifications in English state schools.

Funded by

GIMAGINE is funded by England's Department for Education and Germany's Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).