Career Roadshow

European Edition

Logo European Career Roadshow saying "Choose a career, choose Europe"

What (professional) opportunities are there if you learn a European language at school or university? The European Edition of our Career Roadshow in London offers students a multi-faceted program that provides insight into the relevance of European languages in professional life.Join us for a day full of workshops, panel discussions and networking opportunities as well as an exciting careers fair. 

Upcoming Career Roadshow

Registrations are now open

for Schools, Students & Employers

We welcome registrations of interest from both, schools (classes), as well as individual (university) students. We also seek EU & UK employers who want to connect with talent from our network.

Important Information

Career Roadshow | Partner © Jayne Lloyd


We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Logo: GIMAGINE project

Logos of the partners for the career roadshows