Work shadowing for PASCH teachers in the UK and the region of Northwest Europe

The Goethe-Institut in London is very happy to announce that from the year 2020 onwards, PASCH teachers in the UK will be able to participate in a work-shadowing experience at other PASCH schools in the UK or our region of northwest Europe. By taking part in this initiative, the respective teachers will not only get to know their colleages in other parts of the UK or Europe and profit from their expertise and knowledge in teaching German as a foreign language but they will surely also benefit on a personal level.
We are proud that our guinea pig Karen from St. Hilda's CE School, pictured here with her colleague Lone from Marie Kruse Skole, Farum, Denmark, has taken the first step in taking part in this opportunity and will profit from her visit in March as did Lone when she was in Liverpool in January 2020.
Next year, Stefanie from Farlingaye High School in Woodbridge will host Wiel Zimmermanns, a colleague from the Netherlands, and will also take part herself in a work-shadowing experience at the Montessori Lyceum in Amsterdam.
Stay tuned for reports about their experiences which will be published soon.